Converting SQL for embedded use within VBA


Converting SQL for embedded use within VBA

After creating and testing SQL to embed within a VB or VBA application, it needs to be added to a VB project in usable strings. How to convert your SQL easily without introducing errors? Here’s a PowerShell script that takes in a SQL file with a header (SQL) and condenses it into 80+ character strings for copying into your VB code.

$MyFile=get-content -Path "sql.txt"  
$outfile = "sqlNew.txt"
Remove-Item $outfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
for ($i=0; $i-lt $MyFile.Count; $i++)
if ($str.length -gt 80)
	if ($firstLine)
		$str = '"' + $str + '" _'
		$str = '& "' + $str + '" _'
	Add-Content $outfile "$($str)`n"
$nextLine = $MyFile[$i]
$nextLine = $nextLine.Replace("`t"," ");
$nextLine = $nextLine.Replace("  "," ");$nextLine = $nextLine.Replace("  "," ");$nextLine = $nextLine.Replace("  "," ");
$idx = $nextLine.indexof("--");
if ($idx -ge 0)
	$nextLine = $nextLine.Substring(0,$idx)

$str = $str + ' ' + $nextLine;


if ($firstLine)
	$str = '"' + $str + ' "'
	$str = '& "' + $str + ' "'
Add-Content $outfile "$($str)`n"
$str = $null;

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